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22nd Genealogy Lock In In-Person
Enjoy a full day of speakers, classes, and one-on-one genealogy help at our 22nd Genealogy Lock In! Our presenters will help you with everything from Placing Your DNA Matches on Your Tree, how to Tame the Chaos Tiger: Organize Your Records and Research, and even share Secrets to Successful Writing & Publishing. There will also be volunteers available all day to help with your genealogy research. And we have door prizes! This program is free and open to the public, but you must register online attend the event virtually or in person.
Attend virtually by clicking this link (videos will only be available until midnight on Friday, October 20, 2023): https://gennettx.org/waco
The Genealogy Lock In is cosponsored by CTGS, Texas State Genealogical Society, and Genealogy Network of Texas